Sandwiches, crisps, pizzas: outdoor meals often lack vegetables… and balance. Discover our fresh ideas for picnics full of vitamins rich in raw veggies, salads and crunchy vegetables!
Cherry tomatoes, radish, chicory leaves, carrot sticks, cucumber slices, celery sticks, fennel cubes, cauliflower florets, pepper slices…: slid in a box, these crunchy and juicy raw vegetables as they are or with a spread. Dip ideas are not lacking: hummus (made in 3-minutes watch in hand with chick peas and other canned legumes), tapenade, guacamole, pesto, sour cream with lemon juice and freshly chopped herbs, mashed tuna with cream cheese to spread, sardine or mackerel rillettes, tzatziki...
Another way to invite vegetables on your picnic menu: slide them into your sandwiches. Of course, we are thinking about baguettes or white bread with some cucumber slices and butter (so British!), but also by listening to what you want and your imagination, combinations are almost endless: chicken + avocado + pepper + mesclun, ham + butter + onion and tomato slices, mashed tuna with cream cheese + grated carrots, spicy hummus + grilled vegetables + rocket, etc.
Who says picnic does not necessarily say finger food. With a few Tupperware or some light cutlery, it is easy to enjoy delicious salads, perfect for a hike to recharge. The right combination: pasta, rice or canned legumes (chick peas, red or white beans...) + fresh vegetables (tomato cubes, cucumber or zucchinis slices, mesclun leaves...) + taste boosters (cheese, olives, capers, pine nuts, diced dried tomatoes...). For a quick seasoning, think about bringing your vinaigrette in a small sealed bottle.
No time to cook? Think about deli salads which you can easily find at the supermarket while you shop for your picnic: grated carrots, old-fashioned celery remoulade or with sour cream, mustard beetroots, coleslaw, Greek yogurt with cucumbers and chives... At Bonduelle, we also have complete salad-meals (Italian, Indian, Greek, Norwegian, Thai...) ideal to eat well on the go. The only thing left to do: grab the field’s key!